December 19, 2017

Ditching Hourly: Pricing Creativity with special guest Blair Enns

Your ears are in for a treat today. On the latest episode of Ditching Hourly, Blair Enns joined me to geek out about value pricing.<\p>

What ended up happening essentially amounted to an impromptu masterclass on selling creative services. <\p>

We covered a half dozen of the juiciest pricing and sales topics contained in Blair’s excellent new book, Pricing Creativity (which is due out on Jan 10, 2018).

This is seriously a must-listen for anybody on this list. Here’s your link to the interview:

Pricing Creativity with special guest Blair Enns

Blair’s Bio

Blair Enns is a 25-year veteran of the business side of the creative professions. In 2002, he launched Win Without Pitching, which has worked with thousands of creative professionals in numerous countries through direct engagements, seminars, workshops & webcasts. Blair is the author of “The Win Without Pitching Manifesto” and the forthcoming “Pricing Creativity: A Guide to Profit Beyond the Billable Hour”



